Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Greetings!  I've been corresponding with a brother and sister who believe they are genetic Lynns but whose Y-DNA test does not match any Lynn.  Thus, any Lynn ancestry they may have would be through someone other than their father.  Laurie and Brent have also done autosomal DNA tests via Ancestry.com and have ordered 23andme tests (a bit of overkill perhaps).  What they would like from us is to be able to compare results via GEDmatch.com with any Lynns who've also done autosomal tests.  Following is a copy of my email exchange with Laurie and Brent.  Do not feel compelled to respond unless you are interested.  If you are, I would ask that you correspond directly with Laurie and Brent. 

I hope that everyone has had a good holiday season and good start to the new year!


From: Laurie [mailto:sedonagirl67@cox.net]
Sent: Monday, January 06,2014 9:37 PM
To: 'Loretta Layman'
Cc: brent1a@yahoo.com
Subject: Lynn Project at FTDNA - new comparison on GEDmatch

Hey Loretta,

I just had some interesting DNA news from GEDmatch.com.  Iam related to John W Hewitt (an ancestor of Clara Dell Hewitt Lynn) and (motherof Samantha Morey and spouse of Philemon Morey) Mary Morey…both names come thruthe LYNN line of my family tree.  If you remember me from a while back in2012, my half brother, Brent Austin didn’t match your information from the LYNNresearch study on FTDNA  and we were unable to confirm he is from the lineof LYNN’s (Ellison Lynn and Eliza Roselia Scott).  We are currently in theprocess of getting some new 23andme.com DNA tests done, and I will be loadingthe raw data on GEDmatch.com.  I would love for you to see if anyone inthe LYNN study have done the autosomal testing and if they have loaded theirraw data on GEDmatch.com.

My kit number on GEDmatch.com is A320246.  (This is myAncestry.com autosomal DNA test…which isn’t quite as detailed as the 23andmetest).  I loaded my GEDCOM on GEDmatch.com and then did “one to one”comparisons between kits (since my kit is tokenized but not fully processedyet, I can’t use the “one to many” comparison tool yet.)

Anyway, I just wanted to touch base and let you know mypreliminary data.

Laurie Barbee

From: Loretta Layman [mailto:lynneage@h-o-l.com]

Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 10:19 PM
To: 'Laurie'
Subject: RE: Lynn Project at FTDNA - new comparison on GEDmatch

HiLaurie.  I’m sorry to be so long replying to your email.  (I doremember you and Brent.)  I will contact members of the Lynn project aboutautosomal testing.  Autosomal DNA is not reflected in the Lynn project, ofcourse, since the project is strictly Y-DNA.  I’ll let you know what Ifind out.  I haven’t any experiencemyself with autosomal DNA.

Hopeyou enjoyed the holidays!


Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 9:45 PM
To: 'Loretta Layman'
Subject: RE: Lynn Project at FTDNA - new comparison on GEDmatch

The FDA question is related to interpreting the data in a healthcapacity, not the DNA test itself.  23andme is still the most detailedautosomal testing done with a large database (over 400000 dna profiles). My brother Brent and I have both submitted our DNA and are awaitingresults.  In the meantime, I used my Ancestry.com autosomal raw data onGEDmatch.com and they have recently added the ability to add GEDCOM files aswell.  I had quite a few GEDCOM matches which I then compared our DNA in‘one to one’ matching.  Thru different and multiple people, I confirmedgenetic sharing of the Lynn ancestors I mentioned earlier.  I had writtenoff this line based on the Y-DNA test Brent did on FTDNA, so I was quiteshocked about these matches.  I definitely think the autosomal tests areworth the effort, and I am looking forward to comparing Brent and my tests thru23andme.com, and would love to see how the data matches the GEDCOM data.


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